Showing posts with label happiness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label happiness. Show all posts

Monday, 10 June 2024

Learning to Fly

 Bob's been learning to fly, he's gradually spending more time out of his cage in the evening. Once I'm home he gets quite bossy, climbing around the door of his cage looking for the the way out. When I open the door he climbs on top and around the outside of the cage and when he's got his bearings he takes flight. His first couple of laps of the living room were a bit hair raising but he's got used to his wings now and can navigate shorter distances and land decisively.

It was a proud mum moment 2 nights ago when he flapped his wings and flew a short distance from the top of the cage to my shoulder. I'm now one of his favourite places to land. I'd always hoped that I would be able to let him have his wings. Now 2.5 months into our journey together I'm happy to report that I haven't had to clip his wings and that all they've done since his been with me is grow.

Tonight he's spent a few hours out of his cage, it at times has been challenging to type as he keeps walking around my laptop. For a moment it reminded me of all the times that Charlie would rest her chin on the keyboard as if to say " enough mum, I want your attention" Looks like furry or feathered, animals have a similar reaction to laptops and smart phones. 

Lib xx

Saturday, 11 July 2015

My Beautiful World

I titled this post “My Beautiful World” not because my world is perfect, in fact it’s far from it. My life is as full of as many disappointments and cracks in the pavement as the next person and there are many missing pieces. But lately I’ve been focusing on the things that make me joyful and realizing that the odd little bubble I live in isn’t so bad after all.
My world like yours is a work in progress, it’s me trying to find all the pieces that fit and letting go of the ones that choose not to fit. I could be sad about the ones that don't fit, and I have been sad, but I’ve come to realize that their absence creates space for other things that I love to expand.

I'm working on filling my world with the things that make me happy. My 'happiest places' are my doggie Miss Charlie, being creative and my obsession with organic gardening and healthy eating.

I’ve learnt that this life is about surrounding yourself with the people who let you shine the brightest and allow you to be the best person you can be and letting go of the people who dampen your flame and squash your spirit.

Everyday I’m learning to be grateful and to be joyful for the life that I have. So much of our lives is a choice and sometimes you just have to step up to the plate and go for it. I'm learning to step up, taking small steps each day to get to the place where I want to be. I'm working towards being bold enough to take the giant steps, to celebrate life by being the loudest drum and dancing with hands in the air!
I'm forever creating my beautiful world

Monday, 6 July 2015

Garden Update

 I haven't shared about my garden for a while now. It's still an ongoing and ever growing project. Lately I've been watching a lot of documentaries on FMTV about sustainability and our foodchain. I'm more than a little concerned about not just what goes into our food but also what goes on it when it's growing. Now I've been juicing daily I try to buy as much organic as I can afford, which is usually the items on the list that absorb the most nasties in the conventional growing methods like celery and the ones that you can't really wash residue off, ie Kale. The last thing I want is a glass full of pesticide. So my answer to this has been to look for ways to increase my growing space.

 A few weeks ago I resurrected my old raised garden bed that I bought when I was at my last house, it's been in pieces since I moved nearly 2 years ago. Today its a bed of kale

 This bed contains curly and tuscan kale and was planted about 3 weeks ago and so far there has been really good growth and no bugs. It's had a dose of organic fertiliser and a couple of applications of seasol. 

Apart from a bed of Rocket in a kids sandpit clam shell everything else is growing in pots. I'd always been under the impression that I needed to plant in full sun. I'd had my eye on a particular spot of garden along my fence but was worried it was too shaded. But a bit of gooling at the weekend informed me that leafy greens don't need as much sun and will tolerate shade. 

I'd been a bit lazy with pulling out the grass that had grown into the existing garden so I decided I could accomplish 2 things in choosing that spot. No more grass in the garden bed and a perfect growing spot. I laid cardboard down on the spot a couple of nights ago to start killing the grass and today I built the garden. Several bags of potting mix, and compost along with some shredded paper and garden edging I have a new garden bed and this is the result ...

 It contains lots of yummy greens for juicing.

 Across the front I have planted curly leaf parsley.
 Then behind that in rows from left to right there is 

 white stemmed silverbeet

bok choy

rainbow chard

   I planted some rainbow chard in a big pot when I planted the kale and it will be interesting to see if there is any difference in the results between the pot and the bed.

I also planted some english spinach a month or so a go and have been picking and enjoying it for a few weeks now

It's planted in a galvanised wash tub that's had holes drilled in the bottom for drainage. It was a great way to recycle a tub that had been a display years ago when I had a shop with my sister. The spinach from this patch is the sweetest I've ever tasted. I love eating it straight from the garden.

There's lots happening in the greenhouse at the moment too. Loads of coriander and parsley along with chives, mint, wheat grass and cherry tomatoes. The tomatoes started flowering again a few weeks back so I've moved them into the greenhouse to keep them warm and see what happens.

 I can't wait for everything to get to the point when I can start harvesting and eating all of these lovelies and share them with my family.

Saturday, 29 March 2014

Random Thought #1

Sorry I’ve been AWOL, I’ve been busy contemplating life and sorting through some of the dilemmas that remained from the disaster that was 2013. And I’m happy to report that on the important bits I’ve come out on the happier side of life. 

This leads me to a random thought inspired by a post I found on Facebook
 courtesy of The Dog Buddha 
Sometimes the things we see as imperfections or flaws in our character can actually be hidden blessings. 

 A negative is not a bad thing when we grow from it. 

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

in my garden

I've been spending a lot of time in my little vegie/herb patch lately. It's kind of my respite from the world, when I'm out there it's just me and the greenery. 

A few weeks back I sowed some lettuce mix seeds into a take away container. 

Yesterday it was time to plant them out into pots and see which ones would survive.

It was also time to transfer the Mizuna that I had been growing soiless on my window sill into some soil. 

With a bit of love soon I'll have lots more tasty treats for my salad bowl.

Gardens are a lot like people and relationships, with a bit of love and some nuture they flourish. It's not a new thought or concept but it's good to be reminded.....

Sunday, 5 January 2014

pinterest finds

I'm a bit addicted to Pinterest at the moment! There's so much good stuff to be found on there. This is one of my favourite finds from the last week.