Hi, my name is Libby. I’m pleased to meet you.
I’m mum to Miss Charlie who got her angel wings on 18/10/23. For 16 years she was my vibrant and funny Red Kelpie/
Border CollieX. She was my heart and soul doggie
I'm currently the primary care giver to an elderly friend with alzheimers.
I love to cook and grow things.
I’m fascinated by nutrition and natural therapies and how
they improve our wellbeing.
I love to create, the kitchen table is always covered
with the latest crafty project.
I’m a slightly hyperactive artist, home chef, gardener, photographer
and sporadic blogger!
I write a lot of blog posts in my head, not many make it
to the screen.
I’m always learning and growing and the conversation in
my head is endless.
Now I’m trying to share it.
Stuff I’ve discovered in recent years:-
Life is different after 40, things are more in
Grief changes everything
I no longer sweat the small stuff.
What other people think of you really doesn’t matter.
Not everything has to be perfect, including myself
It really does matter what you put into your body
I’m as important as everyone else
I’m stronger than I think
Sometimes you just have to let go.
Sometimes the universe has other plans
Sometimes the universe has other plans
Life really is a journey