Showing posts with label life decisions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life decisions. Show all posts

Monday, 5 February 2024

It's OK, It's all going to be OK

Dad always wanted to know how I was, what was happening at work, with my dog, my friend. In my younger years I hid when things were going wrong. I suffered from anxiety and depression and I never wanted to worry either of my parents. But they always intuitively knew that I struggled. But as I got older I opened up a little, age taught me that I could talk to them about some of life’s struggles. But those confessions were always ended with the statement “it’s ok, it’s all going to be ok”. I caught myself saying this to him one day in the weeks before he passed. And I realised that it was a regular statement and I looked at him and said “it will, all be ok”


I thought about why I always say this and it’s not to be flippant, or cover my pain, I admit at times it was to soften things so that he wouldn’t worry. But mostly I believe that everything always works out to our highest good. It’s a personal “I’ve got this” and a further recognition that there is absolutely no point getting stuck in the middle of worry. When we let go and surrender the answer or resolution usually comes.


As I’ve gotten older, I’ve learnt the power of surrender of handing the challenge over to a higher power. When we release, we allow the answers to reveal themselves. When we hold tight and worry, we obscure the answers from our vision because the problem is blocking the view.


And now as I walk thru my grief, I know that even in my darkest moments that it will, all be ok. I will get thru it and all though grief will always be there it won’t conquer me. You’ve just got to let it wash through and over you.


And none of this is to say that you shouldn’t feel things as they happen, never disregard your feelings, it’s ok to experience them. Just don’t get stuck.


My Dad knew that I was the eternal optimist for a reason. I’d had dark days in the past and I’d survived to see the sunlight. The sun always comes up, it will all be ok.

Lib x

Photo by Alice Donovan Rouse on Unsplash

Tuesday, 4 August 2020



We haven't spoken for a few years, where did all that time go?  I've been in the background learning and growing. Sometimes work has taken over and there have been break ups, house moves, job moves and lots of smiles, laughter and sometimes tears. Life as always has at times been a roller coaster, but there have been new discoveries and lots to learn. Charlie dog is still with me, she's about to turn 13 and she has a new best friend Suzy (pictured above). Suzys' photo sums up the 2020 feeling, everything is upside down this year.....

What a ride this year has been so far! it's been both challenging and heart breaking on so many levels. As with any challenging situation there is the opportunity for growth or change, a silver lining of sorts.

The year my part of the world started with the bushfires on the east coast of Australia. There was a collective heart break and outpouring of support for those affected. Some of us were left with the determination to do better for the planet. Climate change was raised as cause of the fires and whether you believe that or not it's time to look after mother earth better. I started looking at the impacts that my life had and asking what I could up level to do my part

Then Covid hit and our lives were all turned upside down from one side of the planet to the other. The shutdowns and the decision to close businesses and borders saw myself and others stood down from work. I can only imagine how difficult it was for my employers to be faced with the situation of standing workers down. Being stood down is something I never want to experience again. Despite all logical understanding of what was happening and knowing I wasn't the only one, being kicked to the job curb was devastating and a hit to my confidence that still hasn't recovered.

This week my world has returned to pre covid work hours and although I've muddled through ok the emotional affects have continued and I'm left questioning my path and what to do next. My current job in the tourism industry no longer feels secure like it did before. I want to do something meaningful and so it's time to make steps towards my future path and I keep coming back to the same thing, studying Nutrition and becoming a Holistic Health Coach. At the moment I'm investigating courses so there's more to follow on that soon once I've made the commitment.

Why study nutrition? with all that's been happening in the world I believe we need more voices to raise awareness that we are not at the mercy of outside forces, that we have the ability to influence our own health outcome. That's not to say that there will ever be absolute immunity to anything but we can certainly raise our chances of fighting illness by making better choices for what we put on our forks and our bodies. 

The last 7 years have been a path of learning about health and healing. As a result of a few health challenges 2 1/2 years ago I made the decision to follow a 100% plant based diet. It suits me well and I feel better than I have in the years preceding. One of my goals is to better understand how to nourish and support my own body with a plant based diet and in doing so assist others with the same goal. 

My heart goes out to anyone who is still suffering a job or income loss as a result of Covid. I was lucky and have been very blessed to have bounced back into the work force so quickly, others have been less fortunate.  

For me the  silver lining of Covid is not just the new Taylor Swift album, it's the opportunity to look to the future and make plans for the new normal. What will will my life look like and what changes can I make to withstand the next storm if it comes. What will be your silver lining? 

Love Lib x