2022 is almost upon us and I'm spending the last remaining days of the year planning and implementing for what will be a 'New' year in a way unlike any other year. I'll be starting the year out of paid employment. There's been some government decisions of late in regards to mandates and I'm not playing.... I'd much rather forge my own path.
So I'm using this as a catalyst to take a leap of faith and launch into self employment. I've had so many ideas for so long now but have simply lacked the time to implement them because I was spending my time and mental energy making money for someone else.
I've wanted to work from home for a while now particularly as Charlie is getting older. There's no guarantees how long she'll be with me so I want to make the most of our time.
Once I knew what was happening I spent a fair bit of time getting clear about what it is I want to do and after I wrote it all down opportunities started presenting themselves. The universe continues to drop things in. I knew that my new world would be in the online space and I was presented with the means to drive that for myself and others. One of the things that dropped in was a Digital Marketing Certification Course. From the moment I started investigating it I could see how what I would learn would be the engine that would drive everything I was planning. I was excited to be accepted to the Digital Marketing School as it is Australian based and run by amazing mentors who have built massive businesses and are genuinely determined to see their students succeed. It's really refreshing and a pleasure to be a part of.
I'm spending my time being positively focused on where I'm going. I could sit here in fear and self doubt but that wouldn't serve me. So in my downtime I'm studying, planning and being very clear about what it is I'm going to do.
At this point in time I'm planning on creating multiple streams of income. I'll be launching a digital marketing and virtual assistant agency in the next couple of weeks. I also have a T-shirt business underway. And it's time to step up my Oil game and get my doTerra Biz moving along. My Nutrition certification also fits into the picture...... It seems a lot but some of the things I'm planning will after a bit of initial work be passive income earners.
Tonight has been goal setting with income targets and launch dates attached. I'm so excited for January 1 as there is so much to do and so many beautiful possibilites. Charlie is going to be a very happy girl to have her mum around more. And she hopefully wont feel the need to lie on my Mac book to get my attention!!
I'll keep you posted....
Love Lib and Charlie xxx